Sun[tm] ONE Directory Server 5.1: Advanced Design and Deployment
Module 1 - Designing an iPlanet[tm] Directory Server Architecture
Analyze design requirements
Recall architectural concepts from the prerequisite course DIR-2217: Sun ONE Directory Services: Analysis and Planning 5.x
Describe the roles of iPlanet[tm] Directory Access Router (iPlanet DAR) and Internet Protocol (IP) load balancers in an iPlanet[tm] Directory Server (iPlanet DS) architecture
Design a configuration server architecture
Module 2 - Automating iPlanet[tm] Directory Server Installation and Configuration
Describe the iPlanet DS automation process
Run automated scripts to install and configure iPlanet DS
Install and configure iPlanet DAR
Module 3 - Designing a High Availability Strategy
Describe a high availability directory architecture
Identify availability issues and design redundancy solutions
Describe clustering solutions
Module 4 - Designing a Backup and Recovery Strategy
Identify backup and recovery data
Identify backup and recovery tools
Implement a backup and recovery strategy
Module 5 - Creating Scaling and Sizing Recommendations
Define iPlanet DS scaling and sizing requirements
Perform iPlanet DS hardware and software configuration sizing estimates
Describe sample Sun hardware baseline configurations
Module 6 - Performing iPlanet DS Benchmark Tests
Define benchmark objectives
Define benchmark environment
Define benchmark tools
Document benchmark test procedures
Document and perform benchmark tests
Module 7 - Creating iPlanet Directory Server Tuning Guidelines
Tune the operating system for optimal iPlanet DS performance
Tune iPlanet DS for optimal performance
Module 8 - Designing a Monitoring and Event-Recovery Strategy
Define a monitoring and event-recovery strategy
Identify key performance measures and monitoring tools
Define events to monitor and determine the appropriate actions