> MySQL에서 DB검색시 대소문자를 구별해서 검색하는 방법을 알고싶습니다.
> 지금 msql에서 사용하던 데이터를 MySQL로 옮겨왔는데 대소문자
> 구별없이 검색이되서 엄청난 혼란이 야기되고 있습니다.
> 제발 MySQL에서 대소문자 구별해서 검색하는 방법을 자세히 알려주십시요....
> 제가 왕초보라는것을 감안 하셔서 되도록이면 쉽게 설명해주시면 감사하겠습니다.
18.14 Case sensitivity in searches
By default, MySQL searches are case-insensitive (although there are some character sets that are never case insensitive, such as czech). That means that if you search with col_name LIKE 'a%', you will get all column values that start with A or a. If you want to make this search case-sensitive, use something like INDEX(col_name, "A")=0 to check a prefix. Or use STRCMP(col_name, "A") = 0 if the column value must be exactly "A".
Simple comparison operations (>=, >, = , < , <=, sorting and grouping) are based on each character's ``sort value''. Characters with the same sort value (like E, e and 'e) are treated as the same character!
LIKE comparisons are done on the uppercase value of each character (E == e but E <> 'e)
If you want a column always to be treated in case-sensitive fashion, declare it as BINARY. See section 7.7 CREATE TABLE syntax.
If you are using Chinese data in the so-called big5 encoding, you want to make all character columns BINARY. This works because the sorting order of big5 encoding characters is based on the order of ASCII codes.
-->> 편하게 하려면 아예 테이블 생성시부터 대소문자를 구별하지 않도록 생성하면 됩니다.
create table 참고하세요.
7.7 CREATE TABLE syntax