1.3) Why am I getting "IpcMemoryCreate" errors when I try
to run the postmaster?
(See also 3.4 in the main FAQ file)
Under Solaris 2.6 and probably others, the default shared memory
maximum segment size kernel parameter is set too low. The solution
is to put something like the following line into /etc/system and
reboot the system.
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=0x7fffffff
Excellent info regarding shared memory under Solaris can be found here:
에서 위를 해석해 보면 /etc/system 에 set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=0x7fffffff 를 추가하고 재부팅시키라고
했는데 맞죠??
그런데 저희것을 보면
* set:
* Set an integer variable in the kernel or a module to a new value.
* This facility should be used with caution. See system(4).
* Examples:
* To set variables in 'unix':
* set nautopush=32
* set maxusers=40
* To set a variable named 'debug' in the module named 'test_module'
* set test_module:debug = 0x13
이런식으로 되어있는데... set이니까.. 여기다가 하는거 맞나요?
그리고 앞에 *를 하고 어디부분에다가 해야하나요??