갑자기 잘 되던 데이타베이스가 깨졌네용..
물론 데몬떠있구요..
다른 디비들은 결과가 나오는데..
유독 이 디비만 깨졌습니다..
무슨 해결책이 있겠습니까?
다음은 덤프 내용입니다..
\connect / Blue
CREATE SEQUENCE "guestinc" start 18 increment 1 maxvalue 2147483647 minvalue 1
cache 1 ;
SELECT nextval ('"guestinc"');
CREATE TABLE "guest" (
"id" int4 DEFAULT nextval ( 'guestinc' ) NOT NULL,
"name" character varying(20),
"home" character varying(40),
"email" character varying(35),
"comment" text,
"ip" character varying(17),
"reg_date" datetime);
REVOKE ALL on "guest" from PUBLIC;
GRANT ALL on "guest" to "nobody";
GRANT ALL on "guest" to "Blue";
COPY "guest" FROM stdin;
SQL query to dump the contents of Table 'guest' did not execute. Explanation fr
om backend: 'pqReadData() // backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The query was: 'COPY "guest" TO stdout;
'. "