방금 따끈따끈한 소식을 받아서 Database 사랑넷 식구들께 식을 전해
드릴라고 제일먼저 달려 왔는데.
새소식은 쓸 권한이 읎다구 .. --;;
드디어 PostgreSQL 베타딱지를 뗄 날이 얼마 안남은 것 같군요. 12월
15일쯤에 공식 릴리즈를 단다고 하니
DB다운 DB를 Windows에 돌려보는게 제 작은 소망인데 ~~. (지금도
베타5가 돌긴하지만요.)
굴뚝같이 몇년을 기다렸습니다. ^^
After 3 months of BETA testing, The PostgreSQL Global
Development Group is pleased to announce that we've locked down the
source code and have now released our first Release Candidate.
Our goal is to formally release 8.0.0 around the 15th of
December, and to ensure that we are as bug free as possible, on as
many platforms as possible, we are asking everyone that can to test
and report both successes, and failures, on the various operating
systems and platforms.
For a complete list of changes/improvement since Beta 5 was
released, please see:
That said, Release Candidate 1 is currently available for
download on all
As with all releases, the success of this release falls in the
your hands ... in order to release as stable and reliable of a
server as is possible, we need as many people out there to put it
through her paces as possible, on as many platforms as possible.
We urge anyone, and everyone, to download a copy and run her
through her regression tests, and report any/all problems, and
bugs, to
Once more, on behalf of all of the developers, Happy Bug Hunting