accel 6.1 에서 8i install 시 파일복사를 80%정도 한후 아래와 같은 메세지를 보이면서 OUI 가 죽는데...
어떤 분들을 swap를 늘리라는데...
swap를 꼭 늘려야 하는지
현재 RAM 128M swap 260M정도 펜티엄II 400 인데....
또는 compact package를 꼭 깔아야 하는지....
[oracle@www linux]$./
* *** ** *** REINITIALIZING * *** * ** *
* *** ** *** REINITIALIZING * *** * ** *
EntryName = bin/linux/
DestFile = /tmp/orainstall/
EntryName = bin/linux/
DestFile = /tmp/orainstall/
Returning false for isDataBaseup
EntryName = bin/linux/
DestFile = /tmp/orainstall/
EntryName = bin/linux/
DestFile = /tmp/orainstall/
EntryName = bin/linux/
DestFile = /tmp/orainstall/
createLink :: Checking for existence of /oracle/lib/ instead..
createLink :: Checking for existence of /oracle/lib/ instead..
Move successfully completed
Move successfully completed
Move successfully completed
Move successfully completed
Move successfully completed
Move successfully completed
Move successfully completed
Move successfully completed
Move successfully completed
<= 파일복사가 80%정도 진행되고
SIGSEGV 11* segmentation violation <= 이런 Error 를 내면서 죽는다.
stackbase=0x17336000, stackpointer=0x1733315c
Full thread dump:
"Thread-11" (TID:0xef542c8, sys_thread_t:0x17335e0c, state:R) prio=6 *current thread*<init>(