SQLCODE : -1006001
Error: IQ Internal error. Please report this to Sybase IQ
support. Input to merge join #12 from child #13 not ordered as
required. Key: a.reqyymm
-- (dfo.cxx 5233) (State:S1000, Native Code: FFF0A64F)
조인할때 오류가 발생합니다.
조인하는 두 컬럼은 포맷과 크기가 같구요.
계속오류가 나서 일단 left(a.reqyymm ,6) = left(b.reqyymm,6)
처럼 함수를 써서 해보니 임시적으로 해결되는듯 했으나 쿼리일부를
수정 중 다른 컬럼에서 똑 같은 오류가 납니다.
아래의 오류에서 locate 컬럼은 다른테이블과 조인되는 동시에
파라미터로 받은 5개의 변수를
where locate in (@locate1, @locate2, @locate3 ...)처럼 Where
절에 사용됩니다.
로그를 보니 다음과 같습니다.
도대체 해결방법은 무엇입니까?
아...오늘도 머리카락 빠집니다. ㅡ,.\
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987 **
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987 ** Non-Fatal IQ Internal
Error Detected
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987 ** at dfo.cxx:5233 on
thread 1465
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987 ** Input to merge join #11
from child #08 not ordered as required. Key: b.locate
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987 ** Error detected at DFO
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987 **
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987 ** Please report this to
Sybase IQ support
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987 ** with the following
diagnostic information,
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987 ** and, if possible, with
the user's command.
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987 **
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987 Already Printing a stacktrace
2006-05-12 16:13:21 0000132987 ***************** This is the
STACKTRACE ***************
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987
===== Thread Number 427912 =====
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000000f9f604
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000000f9f498
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000000fa0e50
.StackTraceForThisThread(const char*,int,const char*,const
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x9000000012f5ca8
.df_Exception::df_Exception(const char*,int,int,const char*,const
char*,const d
fo*,const df_Evaluable*)+0x14e8()
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000001353b0c
.dfo::ValidateOutputOrdering(const dfo*,const char*,const
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000001583b64
.dfjo_MergeBase::ValidateInputOrdering(unsigned int)
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x90000000157c5b8
.dfo_Join::ValidateDFOInputOrdering() const+0x54()
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000001353384
.dfo::ValidateInputOrderings() const+0x64()
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x90000000135335c
.dfo::ValidateInputOrderings() const+0x3c()
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x90000000135335c
.dfo::ValidateInputOrderings() const+0x3c()
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x90000000135335c
.dfo::ValidateInputOrderings() const+0x3c()
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x90000000135d760
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000000f4c078
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x90000000165a844
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000001659440
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000000f5aabc
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x90000000164bef4
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000001223218
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000000aac508
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x9000000017b28ac
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000000aad05c
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000001114960
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x900000000a6d2b8
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 pc: 0x9000000002ec330 ()
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 ******************* End of
STACKTRACE ******************
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 **
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 ** End of Non-Fatal stack
trace from dfo.cxx:5233
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 **
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 Exception Thrown from dfo.cxx:5233,
Err# 0, tid 1465 origtid 1465
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 9216
2006-05-12 16:13:22 0000132987 IQ Internal error. Please
report this to Sybase IQ support. Input to merge join #11 from
child #08
not ordered as required. Key: b.locate
-- (dfo.cxx 5233)