log에 error 695가 나서..checktable을 해봤는데..결과가 저렇게 나와서...
tablealloc을 nofix로 했더니...뭐가 문제있단 말은 안보입니다.
아래 참고하여..제가 어떻게 문제해결을 할 수 잇을지 좀 도와주세요..
초보라 어렵네요
checktable결과는 아래와 같은데여..
1> dbcc checktable(CoBot)
2> go
Checking CoBot: Logical pagesize is 4096 bytes
Msg 7127, Level 16, State 4:
Server 'FIUWR', Line 1:
Text pointer value 0x00000964000000005000000000128835 references a data page
with an invalid time stamp.
Msg 7127, Level 16, State 4:
Server 'FIUWR', Line 1:
Text pointer value 0x00032403000000000000000003ef8f12 references a data page
with an invalid time stamp.
Msg 7127, Level 16, State 4:
Server 'FIUWR', Line 1:
Text pointer value 0x0003270f000000000000000003f3a4f1 references a data page
with an invalid time stamp.
Msg 7951, Level 16, State 1:
Server 'FIUWR', Line 1:
Data size mismatch occurred while checking a TEXT value. The first page for this
value is: 207365. There were 1 characters found, which is different from the
expected length of 536870913 characters.
Msg 7127, Level 16, State 4:
Server 'FIUWR', Line 1:
Text pointer value 0x00032a07000000000000000003f7e727 references a data page
with an invalid time stamp.
Msg 7127, Level 16, State 4:
Server 'FIUWR', Line 1:
Text pointer value 0x00032a0b000000000000000003f7e75b references a data page
with an invalid time stamp.
Msg 7127, Level 16, State 4:
Server 'FIUWR', Line 1:
Text pointer value 0x00032a1d000000000000000003f80cdf references a data page
with an invalid time stamp.
Msg 7127, Level 16, State 4:
Server 'FIUWR', Line 1:
Text pointer value 0x00032b93000000000000000003f9c0a5 references a data page
with an invalid time stamp.
Msg 7127, Level 16, State 4:
Server 'FIUWR', Line 1:
Text pointer value 0x00032b82000000000000000003f98c81 references a data page
with an invalid time stamp.
Msg 7127, Level 16, State 4:
Server 'FIUWR', Line 1:
Text pointer value 0x00032b83000000000000000003f98c8c references a data page
with an invalid time stamp.
Msg 697, Level 16, State 1:
Server 'FIUWR', Line 1:
An attempt was made to fetch logical page '207749' for object '32000114' in
database '5' from cache 'default data cache'. Wrong logical page '207829' was
found in cache.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with
System Administrator (SA) role.
dbcc page, dbcc log는 제가 page id를 207749, 207829 다 해봐도..아무결과도 안 찍히네요..