memory 128M
swap 1.5Gb
os linux 6.2(red hat)
# replace DEFAULT with your database name
db_files = 80 # SMALL
# db_files = 400 # MEDIUM
# db_files = 1500 # LARGE
db_file_multiblock_read_count = 8 # SMALL
# db_file_multiblock_read_count = 16 # MEDIUM
# db_file_multiblock_read_count = 32 # LARGE
db_block_buffers = 100 # SMALL
# db_block_buffers = 550 # MEDIUM
# db_block_buffers = 3200 # LARGE
shared_pool_size = 3500000 # SMALL
# shared_pool_size = 5000000 # MEDIUM
# shared_pool_size = 9000000 # LARGE
log_checkpoint_interval = 10000
processes = 50 # SMALL
# processes = 100 # MEDIUM
# processes = 200 # LARGE
parallel_max_servers = 5 # SMALL
# parallel_max_servers = 4 x (number of CPUs) # MEDIUM
# parallel_max_servers = 4 x (number of CPUs) # LARGE
log_buffer = 32768 # SMALL
# log_buffer = 32768 # MEDIUM
# log_buffer = 163840 # LARGE
# audit_trail = true # if you want auditing
# timed_statistics = true # if you want timed statistics
max_dump_file_size = 10240 # limit trace file size to 5 Meg each
# Uncommenting the line below will cause automatic archiving if archiving has
# been enabled using ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG.
# log_archive_start = true
# log_archive_dest = disk$rdbms:[oracle.archive]
# log_archive_format = "T%TS%S.ARC"
# If using private rollback segments, place lines of the following
# form in each of your instance-specific init.ora files:
# rollback_segments = (name1, name2)
# If using public rollback segments, define how many
# rollback segments each instance will pick up, using the formula
# # of rollback segments = transactions / transactions_per_rollback_segment
# In this example each instance will grab 40/5 = 8:
# transactions = 40
# transactions_per_rollback_segment = 5
# Global Naming -- enforce that a dblink has same name as the db it connects to
global_names = TRUE
# Edit and uncomment the following line to provide the suffix that will be
# appended to the db_name parameter (separated with a dot) and stored as the
# global database name when a database is created. If your site uses
# Internet Domain names for e-mail, then the part of your e-mail address after
# the '@' is a good candidate for this parameter value.
# db_domain = # global database name is db_name.db_domain
# vms_sga_use_gblpagfil = TRUE
# FOR BETA RELEASE ONLY. Enable debugging modes. Note that these can
# adversely affect performance. On some non-VMS ports the db_block_cache_*
# debugging modes have a severe effect on performance.
#_db_block_cache_protect = true # memory protect buffers
#event = "10210 trace name context forever, level 2" # data block checking
#event = "10211 trace name context forever, level 2" # index block checking
#event = "10235 trace name context forever, level 1" # memory heap checking
#event = "10049 trace name context forever, level 2" # memory protect cursors
# define parallel server (multi-instance) parameters
#ifile = ora_system:initps.ora
# define two control files by default
control_files = (ora_control1, ora_control2)
# Uncomment the following line if you wish to enable the Oracle Trace product
# to trace server activity. This enables scheduling of server collections
# from the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console.
# Also, if the oracle_trace_collection_name parameter is non-null,
# every session will write to the named collection, as well as enabling you
# to schedule future collections from the console.
# oracle_trace_enable = TRUE
# Uncomment the following line, if you want to use some of the new 8.1
# features. Please remember that using them may require some downgrade
# actions if you later decide to move back to 8.0.
#compatible = 8.1.0