아래 글에 답글주신분게 감사드립니다.
알려주신 첫번째 방법( 1. sp_configure "cpu grace time", 500 --> 1000으로 변경 하여 보세요 )은 변경을 해도 결과는 똑같네요. ㅠㅠ
대신 에러가 바뀐거 같습니다. 그것에 대한 로그는 맨 마지막에 있습니다.
두번째 방법, 세번째 방법 둘다 전혀 이상이 없습니다.
한가지 궁금한것은 어플리케이션에서 루프작업으로 insert 할시에 발생한다고 하였는데요
어떨때는 32317 rows, 어떨때는 32318 rows, 어떨때는 32319 rows....
(예) 32319 row일때 : loop로 insert가 원활(1초에 수십라인 정도)이 이루어 지다가 32319번째 데이터에서 갑자기 멈추면서 한참후에 32319번째 데이터가 들어가고 세션이 종료가 됩니다)
여기서 계속 왔다갔다 하네요..
또 한가지.. 3231? 근처에서 어플리케이션을 브레이크를 걸고 SQL Adventage에서 다음 insert 할 쿼리를 계속 insert 하면 그건 또 계속 들어갑니다. ㅠㅠ
그리고 또 한가지.. 동일 어플리케이션 다른 메뉴에서도 비슷한 작업들이 많은데요.. 거의 비슷한 작업들인데 유독 이번에 새로 작성한 이 부분만 이런 에러가 나네요..
아래에 첫번째 방법으로 configure 를 변경한 후 다시 발생한 로그를 붙여넣습니다.
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 19:59:59.98 server Error: 8211, Severity: 26, State: 1
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 19:59:59.98 server Mismatch found between the name and id descriptor hash table. Descriptor hashed by name = 0x0 and hashed by id = 0x247e78d0.
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 19:59:59.98 kernel ************************************
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 19:59:59.98 kernel SQL causing error : create proc S477E0000 as Insert into fgogi_tb (code, fcode, feedate, fckuse, foodfee, filedate) Values('203190470600', '00', '200909', 6, 180, '200909
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 19:59:59.98 kernel ************************************
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 19:59:59.98 server SQL Text: create proc S477E0000 as Insert into fgogi_tb (code, fcode, feedate, fckuse, foodfee, filedate) Values('203190470600', '00', '200909', 6, 180, '20090908')
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 19:59:59.98 kernel curdb = 2 pstat = 0x40010000 lasterror = 8211
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 19:59:59.98 kernel preverror = 0 transtate = 1
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 19:59:59.98 kernel curcmd = 0 program =
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x00A7D8BD os_get_cur_stk_desc+ 0x13a (0x01C5EC90, 0x77E713FD, 0x77E56680, 0xFFFFFFFF)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x00A7D8BD os_get_cur_stk_desc+ 0x13a (0x01C5EC90, 0x01C5EA48, 0x0000270F, 0x00000002)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x00A589EA pcstkwalk+ 0x204 (0x001E001E, 0x00000002, 0x0000270F, 0x00000000)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x00A58674 ucstkgentrace+ 0x224 (0x001E001E, 0x00000001, 0x247E7D2E, 0x01C5F15A)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x00A1431B ucbacktrace+ 0xab (0x00000000, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x01C5EFE0, 0x004657A7)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x00406D71 terminate_process+ 0xb8f (0x01C5F000, 0x00688116, 0x00000052, 0x0000000B)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x004657C4 close_network+ 0xc (0x00000052, 0x0000000B, 0x0000001A, 0x00000001)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x004657A7 hdl_default+ 0x38 (0x00000052, 0x0000000B, 0x0000001A, 0x00000001)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x00688116 ut_handle+ 0xd6 (0x00000052, 0x0000000B, 0x0000001A, 0x00000001)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x004653AB ex_raise+ 0x2b3 (0x247E7CC4, 0x00000003, 0x00000019, 0x00000000)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x004AE490 des__hashinst+ 0x29b (0x247E7CC4, 0x2487A8A4, 0x01C5F779, 0x254737B9)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x004AE6B1 des__install+ 0x168 (0x00000001, 0xFFF08001, 0x01C5F144, 0x00000016)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x004B21B1 des_lwpdescreate+ 0x148 (0x01C5F770, 0x00000009, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel [Handler pc: 0x00688040 ut_handle installed by the following function:-]
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x006DA042 lwp_create+ 0x36b (0x01C5F860, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x254736F4)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x006D5186 proccreate+ 0x556 (0x01C5FA18, 0x0072B876, 0x24CDCBC4, 0x004989EE)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x0072CEBF s_crtproc+ 0x25b (0x25473000, 0x00000001, 0x00000009, 0x01C5FA67)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel [Handler pc: 0x0072DF86 s_handle installed by the following function:-]
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x0072A150 sequencer+ 0x8f0 (0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x24CDCBC4, 0x53090001)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x0044356A tdsrecv_language+ 0x540 (0x000000E7, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x00442CA7 tdsrecv_dynamic+ 0xd5 (0x0000000D, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x25202CF4)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel [Handler pc: 0x00465417 hdl_backout installed by the following function:-]
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel [Handler pc: 0x00688040 ut_handle installed by the following function:-]
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel [Handler pc: 0x00688040 ut_handle installed by the following function:-]
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.20 kernel pc: 0x00411900 conn_hdlr+ 0x3057 (0x25202CF4, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x25202CF4)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.21 kernel pc: 0x00A09ED7 kpntwrapper+ 0x84 (0x00A09E53, 0x25202CF4, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.21 kernel pc: 0x77E62CA8 KERNEL32.dll (0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
00:00000:00015:2009/09/19 20:00:01.21 kernel end of stack trace, spid 15, kpid 1966110, suid 1