포지션: 오라클 DB, Exadata 제품 기술지원 엔지니어
(Database, Exadata products Senior Support Engineer – Performance)
As a member of the Support organization, your focus is to deliver post-sales support and solutions to the Oracle customer base while serving as an advocate for customer needs. This involves resolving post-sales non-technical customer inquiries via phone and electronic means, as well as, technical questions regarding the use of and troubleshooting for our Electronic Support Services. A primary point of contact for customers, you are responsible for facilitating customer relationships with Support and providing advice and assistance to internal Oracle employees on diverse customer situations and escalated issues.
고객 서비스 엔지니어의 주요 업무는 온라인 및 전화를 통해 고객에게 기술 지원 서비스를 제공하며, 고객에게 중요한 문제 해결을 위한 조언 및 온라인 서비스를 통한 문제 해결을 담당하는 역할을 수행합니다.
직무 역량 및 자격 요건
As a Technical Support Engineer, you will offer strategic technical support to assure the highest level of customer satisfaction. A primary focus is to create/utilize automated technology and instrumentation to diagnose, document, and resolve/avoid customer issues. You are expected to be an expert member of the technical problem solving/problem avoidance team, routinely sought after to address extremely complex, critical customer issues. Services may be provided by on-site customer visits.
지원 방법
- 지원 방법: e-mail 접수 (hyunsoo.yu@oracle.com)
- 제출 서류: 국문 이력서 또는 영문 이력서
- 접수 기간: 채용시 마감
- 채용 문의: 한국 오라클 채용 담당자 유현수(hyunsoo.yu@oracle.com/010-3667-6089)