큐브리드 6.6을 사용중입니다.
큐브리드 로그파일을 보던중에 아래와 같은 에러가 뜨는 데요.
아래 같은 기록이 뭔지 알려주세요.
Time: 08/24/08 15:34:47 - ERROR *** ERROR CODE = -671, Tran = -1
A network read/write error ocurred for socket 938708 associated with your transaction (index 19, noname@9ffa8e30c8104a8|3460)
Time: 08/24/08 15:35:13 - ERROR *** ERROR CODE = -9, Tran = 8
Unable to format disk volume \"C:\\CUBRID\\CUBRID_DATABASES\\Busan\\XXXX.05f\" with 5000 pages (19996 Kbytes) due to insufficient space. Current space available is 0 pages (0 Kbytes).
Time: 08/24/08 15:35:13 - FATAL ERROR *** ERROR CODE = -98, Tran = 8
Unable to create archive log \"C:\\CUBRID\\CUBRID_DATABASES\\Busan\\XXXX.05f\" to archive pages from 330789 to 335787.
*** The previous error message is the last one. ***
\"C:\\CUBRID\\CUBRID_DATABASES\\Busan\\XXXX.007\" with 2000 pages (8000 Kbytes) due to insufficient space. Current space available is 3 pages (12 Kbytes).
Time: 08/20/08 03:43:18 - ERROR *** ERROR CODE = -9, Tran = 17
Unable to format disk volume \"C:\\CUBRID\\CUBRID_DATABASES\\Busan\\XXXX.007\" with 2000 pages (8000 Kbytes) due to insufficient space. Current space available is 3 pages (12 Kbytes).