더이상 1.5.x 버전의 세부 릴리즈는 마지막일뜻 싶네요.
추가적으로 HP-UX11버전을 지원한다고 합니다.
The Firebird team is pleased to announce that v.1.5.4 of Firebird for Windows and Linux is now released and awaiting your pleasure.
Kits should be available from many sites today and more over the weekend.
A number of additional retrospective fixes have been introduced for bugs that became apparent and were fixed in the Firebird 2 tree during the Firebird 2.0 beta cycle.
This is probably the final sub-release of Firebird 1.5.x. It adds no new functionality, although building the software for both Classic and SuperServer for HP-UX11 is now supported.