MySQL Navigator Version release ! (12/04/01)
* New screenshot: Query (12/01/01)
* Redhat RPM is now available at download page. thank you Vaclav Bartik. :-) (27/11/01)
* From today, you can checkout the MySQL Navigator source tree from CVS repository (08/19/01)
$ export
$ cvs login
(Logging in to
CVS password:[ENTER]
$ cvs -z3 co mysqlnavigator
cvs server: Updating mysqlnavigator
U mysqlnavigator/AUTHORS
$ cd mysqlnavigator
$ ./configure --with-mysql-includes=\MySQL header file directory\ --with-mysql-libraries=\MySQL client library directory\
$ make
$ make install
$ mysqlnavigator
Or you can also see it with web browser from the following URL.
For more information or help, please mail to me :-)
Support multi OS
Support multi platform
Support multi language
Make the most useful MySQL GUI client.
* Multi database connection.
* Multi language, OS support.
* Global search.
* Change style.
* Schema browser.
* Create, modify, delete user.
* Grant, revoke privileges.
* Table, field editor.
* Execute query, and save result.
* Display processlist.
* Export / import database.
* Change user\s password.
* Execute, edit script.
* Flush server\s cache.
* Session management.
* Option configuration.
* Add syntax highlighting function to query window, and editor window.
MySQL Navigator ?
MySQL Navigator is MySQL database server GUI client program. The purpose of MySQL Navigator is to provide a useful client interface to MySQL database servers, whilst supporting multiple operating systems and languages. You can currently import/export database, enter queries, get result sets, edit scripts, run scripts, add, alter, and delete users, and retrieve client and server information.
Currently, Linux, FreeBSD, Windows package is available.