2.0.5 버전이 드디어 릴리즈 됬습니다.
버그 픽스를 대충 보니..
안정성과 보안성을 제법 올린듯 합니다.
ps. 2005년도에 2.0.0a 버전이 나왔는데 벌써 4년이란 시간이 흘렀네요..
The Firebird Project team is pleased to announce the release of Firebird 2.0.5. Kits for Linux (i686 and AMD-64), Win32 and MacOSX Intel and PowerPC should start to filter through to SourceForge over the next few hours, ready to download. This sub-release features a significant batch of bug fixes, many backported from v.2.1.x development.
Bugs fixed can be reviewed HERE.