원본출처 : http://www.georgejames.com/foryou/cache/LangExt.zip
Applies to: Caché 3.x and 4.x
George James Software has developed a useful program which provides some additional commands for working with Caché at the command line. This is available as a free download.
The program includes a variety of commands which make it easier and more convenient to perform certain frequently-required actions. The commands and their use are as follows:
zzcd Change namespace
zzc[lose] Attempts to close all instances of open objects.
Will invoke the %OnClose method if defined
zzclosekill [zzck] Attempts to close all instances of open objects
and then kills all objects (for good measure) and all local variables
zzg %G without Device prompt
zzh[elp] Write this help information
zzj[ob] Display/manipulate Job Table
zzk[ill] Kills all variables and closes all open Object instances
zzk[ill] oRef Closes single Object oRef
zzl[ock] Display/manipulate Lock Table
zzpatch Patch %G to display $list data in human readable form
zzs[erenji] Serenji Shell (if installed)
zzss System Status
zzsys Change to %SYS namespace
zzv[cm] VC/m version and configuration management (if installed)
zzw[rite] Lists all local variables and all open Object instances
- Variables are indented to indicate the stack level at
which they were defined.
- Lists are displayed in human readable form.
- Object properties are listed in a hierarchical manner.
zzw[rite] oRef Lists single Object oRef
The download file is a zipped routine save file which contains three routines:
You can download the free Caché Command Line Extensions (size: 5Kb) by completing the registration form.
To install the package: unzip the file and restore the routine save file into the %SYS namespace of your Caché system. (Caché versions 3.x and 4.x are supported).
Last reviewed: 04 Mar 2002