쿼리문좀 봐주세여 ^^
201: A syntax error has
select t1
,round(t1_sum/t1_cnt, 1) avg
from (
select t1, => 요 콤마부분에 블록이
잡히면서 문법에러가 있단것 같은데..
nvl(sum(t90), 0) +
nvl(sum(t91), 0) +
nvl(sum(t92), 0) +
nvl(sum(t93), 0) +
nvl(sum(t94), 0) +
nvl(sum(t95), 0) +
nvl(sum(t96), 0) +
nvl(sum(t97), 0) t1_sum
,nvl(count(t90), 0) +
nvl(count(t91), 0) +
nvl(count(t92), 0) +
nvl(count(t93), 0) +
nvl(count(t94), 0) +
nvl(count(t95), 0) +
nvl(count(t96), 0) +
nvl(count(t97), 0) t1_cnt
from bukhan
where t1 between '100' and '200'
and t2 between '2004' and '2004'
and t3 = '1'
and t4 = '1'
group by t1