GUI Database Design Tools - PostgreSQL wiki
DBDesigner Fork - Browse /dbdesigner-fork at SourceForge.net
DB Designer Fork - Browse /dbdesigner-fork at SourceForge.net
dbd4topostgres - Free program to generate sql scripts from DBDesigner 4 model to Postgresql - Google Project Hosting
How to configure DBDesigner to connect with PostgreSQL (Win XP)
November 21 2006
How to configure DBDesigner to connect with PostgreSQL (Win XP)
First what you have to do is download odbc driver to PostgreSQL. You can find it on this site:
ODBC driver . Instalation is very simple, just click next, next … After that you can configure your postgresql odbc connection go to:
* menu
* control panel
* admin tools
* sources data (ODBC)
Open the last one, select user dsn tab, click add. Scroll down and find PostgreSQL driver name, select PostgreSQL Unicode, then click OK. After that you will see window perform field like below :
* data source: PostgreSQL30W
* database: your database name which you want connect
* server: localhost (if it's on this same machine)
* user name: user name ;)
* description: can be empty
* SSL mode: disable (or choice what you need)
* port: 5432
* password: ****** (user pass)
Then you can try test this setting by click test, if you will see "Connection succsessful" everything is ok now you can run dbdesigner;
-> file;
-> open from databse;
-> choice ODBC -> NewODBCConn
-> click New Database connection.
You will see window perform field like below:
* connection name: whatever
* driver: should be selected odbc if not select it
* connection settings: don't touch
* odbc dsn name: PostgreSQL30W
* username: user name ;)
* password: ***** (user pass)
Close this window and go to Database -> Reverse Engineering. You will see window called Select Database Connection, so select your connection and click Connect. On the next window you can select what you want import from db (choice it on Schema) after that just click "Execute”. And that`s all. After that you will see that what you selected on schema.
DBDesigner 4 - Base de donne'es - Logiciels Libres - Framasoft
DBDesigner and PostgreSQL
DBDesigner for PostgreSQL?
Data Modelling Tools
DBDesigner-Fork : A Fork of DBDesigner 4 (see above)- generates SQL scripts for Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL and FireBirdSQL.
Postgre DBDesigner tool - dBforums
MicroOLAP Database Designer for PostgreSQL: GUI tool for visual database generation, modification and reverse engineering
DbDesigner homepage
Visual Database Designer for KDE2 | Free Development software downloads at SourceForge.net
Visual Database Designer for KDE2 - Browse /dbdesigner at SourceForge.net