dbAdmin is a set of PHP scripts to manage DBMS. It's free to download and use.
As of now, it fully supports MySQL 3.23 database and partially supports PosgGres and Oracle.
Since the system uses library API functions for all the database management operations, dbAdmin can be configured to manage virtually any database. The system is completely configurable through XML configuration files.
dbAdmin features:
User Management: add,edit,delete
Full Database Management: drop,copy,rename,export data,import data,initialize, backup,restore,create new database
Full Table Management: drop,copy,rename,export data,initialize,view structure, alter structure,browse data (insert,execute ,delete,edit), XML export, create new table wizard and more
Modules Support: add different modules to dbAdmin
Where to get it:
Click on the link above.
The latest ver can always be found at : http://www.gleb.org/dbadmin/
원본 출처 : http://www.weberdev.com/download.php?filename=dbadmin2.tar.gz.ber