Quick HOWTO - connecting StarOffice Win or Lin to PostGreSQL using ODBC
원본 출처 : http://archives2.us.postgresql.org/pgsql-odbc/2001-06/msg00109.php
이글은 StarOffice 에서 ODBC 를 이용하여 PostgreSQL 로 접속하는 방법에 대해 적어 놓은 글이다.
We have had some problems to enable connection between StarOffice (on GNU/Linux and on Windows systems) to a PostGreSQL database (running on GNU/Linux) over ODBC connection.
Here is a quick howto I wrote as a reminder of the problems and
solutions we found.
Hope you find it useful.
$Id: ConfigurationOdbc,v 1.2 2001/06/26 12:51:53 oberger Exp $
We have encountered problems to enable access to a GNU/Linux server running PostGreSQL, from Linux and Windows platforms, both using
StarOffice? to access the database (using de StarBase? forms and
Our goal was to be able to interoperate with the database (read and
write) from both platforms in a unified way (same forms, look and feel).
The database connectivity from StarOffice? is made with ODBC.
StarOffice? configuration to access ODBC data sources is quite the same once the ODBC sources have been defined.
We use the following ODBC drivers :
unixodbc 2.0.4 for GNU/Linux, from http://www.unixodbc.org/
(package Debian 2.0.4-0.potato3)
psqlodbc 7.1.0005 for Windows, from http://odbc.postgresql.org/
(zip file)
Problems encountered
The unixodbc driver, as packaged with the debian distribution does not
include a "default" /usr/lib/libodbcpsql.so file. Thus you have to
specify the right libodbcpsql.so.* file in the .odbc.ini or odbc.ini /
odbcinst.ini files or create the appropriate link. See below.
The tables must have a primary key defined with a consttraint or index
in PostGreSQL in order to allow read-write access to the table from
The tables indices for primary keys must be named according to the
following scheme in order to be recognized by the PsqlODBC ODBC driver for windows : "{table}_pkey" (see the FAQ http://www.ca.postgresql.org/ftpsite/odbc/faq.html#primarykeys)
Configuring the PostGreSQL DataBase? server
The file pg_hba.conf should specify that PostGreSQL network access is
allowed from the client machines and users.
The postmaster.init file should include the option allowing network
connection (and be launched with -i option)
Configuring the GNU/Linux ODBC driver to allow access to the remote
We configured the .odbc.ini file with :
[ODBC Data Source]
funnel = funnel
Description = FUNNEL satanas
Driver = /usr/lib/libodbcpsql.so
Trace = No
Database = template1
Servername = servername.domain.com
UserName? = postgres
Password = postgres
ReadOnly? = No
Beware that the library /usr/lib/libodbcpsql.so exist. If not, create a
link to the appropriate libodbcpsql.so.* file.
Configuring the Windows ODBC driver to allow access to the remote server
You should verify that the Read-Only checkboxes aren't checked in the
configuration option dialogs of the driver.
Creating tables structure
If you want to allow read-write access to the tables from StarOffice?
via the windows ODBC PostGreSQL driver, tables must have a primary
key named "{table}_pkey" (see the FAQ
By default, it will be OK if you create the table like this :
CREATE SEQUENCE "table_seq";
CREATE TABLE mytable (
If you use a CONSTRAINT definition, you should pay attention to the name of the constraint :
CREATE SEQUENCE "table_seq";
CREATE TABLE mytable (
"id" INTEGER DEFAULT NEXTVAL('table_seq'),
CONSTRAINT "mytable_pkey" PRIMARY KEY("id")