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DB2 7.2 LinuxEEE
영문버전은 다음과 같습니다.
Java 관련 Download
1. Java2 SDK
[ DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition Version 7.1 ]
Download and Installation Instructions
Download the tar file (aixeesbcs.tar or aixeedbcs.tar depending on the language that is chosen)
Untar the file using xvf options to expand the directory structure.
Go to the directory of the untared product.
Run db2setup from that directory (must be run as root)
Follow on-screen directions, using the tab key to move through the installer window. Pressing the "enter" key selects items (and also de-selects items).
During the Instance setup process, pay attention to where the home directory of the instance is located. The default is in the user.
After installation, you may view the log file located: /tmp/db2setup.log
Windows NT
Download the common zip file udbeecmn.zip and the language zip file
(e.g. udbeeen.zip for the English zip file) to your system
Unzip the zip files expanding the directory structure.
Run setup.exe
Follow the install prompts
Do not install OLAP Starter kit from the prompts displayed when installing NT EE.
Sun Solaris
Download the tar file (suneesbcs.tar or suneedbcs.tar depending on the language that is chosen)
Untar the file using xvf options to expand the directory structure.
Go to the directory of the untared product.
Run db2setup from that directory (must be run as root)
Follow on-screen directions, using the tab key to move through the installer window. Pressing the "enter" key selects items (and also de-selects items).
During the Instance setup process, pay attention to where the home directory of the instance is located. The default is in the user.
After installation, you may view the log file located: /tmp/db2setup.log
The product directory for SUN will be: /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1
Download the linuxee.tar file
Untar the file using xvf options to expand the directory structure.
Go to the directory of the untared product.
Run db2setup from that directory (must be run as root)
Follow on-screen directions, using the tab key to move through the installer window. Pressing the "enter" key selects items (and also de-selects items).
During the Instance setup process, pay attention to where the home directory of the instance is located. The default is in the user.
After installation, you may view the log file located: /tmp/db2setup.log
The product directory for Linux will be: Linux: /usr/IBMdb2/V7.1
Download the hpee.tar file
Untar the file using xvf options to expand the directory structure.
Go to the directory of the untared product.
Run db2setup from that directory (must be run as root)
Follow on-screen directions, using the tab key to move through the installer window. Pressing the "enter" key selects items (and also de-selects items).
During the Instance setup process, pay attention to where the home directory of the instance is located.
After installation, you may view the log file located: /tmp/db2setup.log
The product directory for AIX will be: /usr/lpp/db2_07_01
Download the common zip file eecmn.zip and the language zip file
(e.g. eeen.zip for the English zip file) to your system
Unzip the zip files expanding the directory structure.
Run install.cmd
Follow the install prompts
Numa-Q (EE)
Download the ptxee.tar file
Untar the file using xvf options to expand the directory structure.
Go to the directory of the untared product.
Run db2setup from that directory (must be run as root)
Follow on-screen directions, using the tab key to move through the installer window. Pressing the "enter" key selects items (and also de-selects items).
During the Instance setup process, pay attention to where the home directory of the instance is located. The default is in the user.
After installation, you may view the log file located: /tmp/db2setup.log
Numa-Q (EEE)
Download the ptxeee.tar file
Untar the file using xvf options to expand the directory structure.
Go to the directory of the untared product.
Run db2setup from that directory (must be run as root)
Follow on-screen directions, using the tab key to move through the installer window. Pressing the "enter" key selects items (and also de-selects items).
During the Instance setup process, pay attention to where the home directory of the instance is located. The default is in the user.
After installation, you may view the log file located: /tmp/db2setup.log