물론 일부 파일들은 이곳 DSN FTP 에 다운로드 받아 두었습니다.
>>정재익 님께서 쓰시길<<
:: 정말 힘들군요. :-)
:: 몇번의 등록끝에 드디어 성공되었군요. URL 을 보니 다음과 같군요. 마침 한글 버전이 있길래 URL 을
:: 적어 봅니다. 물론 Linux 버전입니다.
:: DB2 7.2 LinuxEEE
:: http://www6.software.ibm.com/dl/db2udbdl/db2udbdl-httpdl2?RG_FILE=linuxeee.korea.tar&RG_ONO=adva
:: nces&RG_SOURCE=db2udbdl
:: 영문버전은 다음과 같습니다.
:: http://www6.software.ibm.com/dl/db2udbdl/db2udbdl-httpdl2?RG_FILE=linuxeee.english.tar&RG_ONO=ad
:: vances&RG_SOURCE=db2udbdl
:: Java 관련 Download
:: http://www6.software.ibm.com/dl/dklx130/dklx130-d?S_PKG=devkit&S_CMP=&S_TACT=
:: 1. Java2 SDK
:: http://www6.software.ibm.com/dl/dklx130/dklx130-httpdl2?RG_FILE=developer/java/linux130/SR7/IBMJ
:: ava2-SDK-13.tgz&RG_ONO=advances
:: [ DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Edition Version 7.1 ]
:: Download and Installation Instructions
:: AIX
:: Download the tar file (aixeesbcs.tar or aixeedbcs.tar depending on the language that is chosen)
:: Untar the file using xvf options to expand the directory structure.
:: Go to the directory of the untared product.
:: Run db2setup from that directory (must be run as root)
:: Follow on-screen directions, using the tab key to move through the installer window. Pressing th
:: e "enter" key selects items (and also de-selects items).
:: During the Instance setup process, pay attention to where the home directory of the instance is
:: located. The default is in the user.
:: After installation, you may view the log file located: /tmp/db2setup.log
:: Windows NT
:: Download the common zip file udbeecmn.zip and the language zip file
:: (e.g. udbeeen.zip for the English zip file) to your system
:: Unzip the zip files expanding the directory structure.
:: Run setup.exe
:: Follow the install prompts
:: Do not install OLAP Starter kit from the prompts displayed when installing NT EE.
:: Sun Solaris
:: Download the tar file (suneesbcs.tar or suneedbcs.tar depending on the language that is chosen)
:: Untar the file using xvf options to expand the directory structure.
:: Go to the directory of the untared product.
:: Run db2setup from that directory (must be run as root)
:: Follow on-screen directions, using the tab key to move through the installer window. Pressing th
:: e "enter" key selects items (and also de-selects items).
:: During the Instance setup process, pay attention to where the home directory of the instance is
:: located. The default is in the user.
:: After installation, you may view the log file located: /tmp/db2setup.log
:: The product directory for SUN will be: /opt/IBMdb2/V7.1
:: Linux
:: Download the linuxee.tar file
:: Untar the file using xvf options to expand the directory structure.
:: Go to the directory of the untared product.
:: Run db2setup from that directory (must be run as root)
:: Follow on-screen directions, using the tab key to move through the installer window. Pressing th
:: e "enter" key selects items (and also de-selects items).
:: During the Instance setup process, pay attention to where the home directory of the instance is
:: located. The default is in the user.
:: After installation, you may view the log file located: /tmp/db2setup.log
:: The product directory for Linux will be: Linux: /usr/IBMdb2/V7.1
:: HP-UX
:: Download the hpee.tar file
:: Untar the file using xvf options to expand the directory structure.
:: Go to the directory of the untared product.
:: Run db2setup from that directory (must be run as root)
:: Follow on-screen directions, using the tab key to move through the installer window. Pressing th
:: e "enter" key selects items (and also de-selects items).
:: During the Instance setup process, pay attention to where the home directory of the instance is
:: located.
:: After installation, you may view the log file located: /tmp/db2setup.log
:: The product directory for AIX will be: /usr/lpp/db2_07_01
:: OS/2
:: Download the common zip file eecmn.zip and the language zip file
:: (e.g. eeen.zip for the English zip file) to your system
:: Unzip the zip files expanding the directory structure.
:: Run install.cmd
:: Follow the install prompts
:: Numa-Q (EE)
:: Download the ptxee.tar file
:: Untar the file using xvf options to expand the directory structure.
:: Go to the directory of the untared product.
:: Run db2setup from that directory (must be run as root)
:: Follow on-screen directions, using the tab key to move through the installer window. Pressing th
:: e "enter" key selects items (and also de-selects items).
:: During the Instance setup process, pay attention to where the home directory of the instance is
:: located. The default is in the user.
:: After installation, you may view the log file located: /tmp/db2setup.log
:: Numa-Q (EEE)
:: Download the ptxeee.tar file
:: Untar the file using xvf options to expand the directory structure.
:: Go to the directory of the untared product.
:: Run db2setup from that directory (must be run as root)
:: Follow on-screen directions, using the tab key to move through the installer window. Pressing th
:: e "enter" key selects items (and also de-selects items).
:: During the Instance setup process, pay attention to where the home directory of the instance is
:: located. The default is in the user.
:: After installation, you may view the log file located: /tmp/db2setup.log