OpenACS (에서 사용하는 트리구조형 카테고리 구현 부분입니다.
pl/pgSQL 은 모두 openacs4 의 ACS Kernel 4.2 의 postgresql.sql 에 있는 부분이고요 마지막의 category_insert_tr() 와 category_update_tr() 는 테이블 이름만 category 로 변경한 것입니다.
참고가 되었으면 합니다.
===================이하 sql 문 ==================
create table Category (
Category_ID SERIAL not null,
Category_Name VARCHAR null,
Parent_ID INT4 null,
SortKey VARBIT null,
constraint PK_CATEGORY primary key (Category_ID),
constraint FK_CATEGORY_REFERENCE_CATEGORY foreign key (Parent_ID)
references Category (Category_ID)
on delete restrict on update restrict
create index category_parent_id_idx on Category (
create index category_sortkey_idx on Category (
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION int_to_tree_key ( integer )
RETURNS varbit
AS '
-- Convert an integer into the bit string format used to store
-- tree sort keys. Using 4 bytes for the long keys requires
-- using -2^31 rather than 2^31 to avoid a twos-complement
-- "integer out of range" error in PG - if for some reason you
-- want to use a smaller value use positive powers of two!
-- There was an "out of range" check in here when I was using 15
-- bit long keys but the only check that does anything with the long
-- keys is to check for negative numbers.
p_intkey alias for ;
if p_intkey < 0 then
raise exception ''int_to_tree_key: key must be a positive integer'';
end if;
if p_intkey < 2^7 then
return substring(bitfromint4(p_intkey), 25, 8);
return substring(bitfromint4(-2^31 + p_intkey), 1, 32);
end if;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' with (iscachable, isstrict)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tree_key_to_int ( bit varying, integer )
AS '
-- Convert the compressed key for the node at the given level to an
-- integer.
p_tree_key alias for ;
p_level alias for ;
v_level integer default 0;
v_parent_pos integer default 1;
v_pos integer default 1;
-- Find the right key first
while v_pos < length(p_tree_key) and v_level < p_level loop
v_parent_pos := v_pos;
v_level := v_level + 1;
if substring(p_tree_key, v_pos, 1) = ''1'' then
v_pos := v_pos + 32;
v_pos := v_pos + 8;
end if;
end loop;
if v_level < p_level then
raise exception ''tree_key_to_int: key is at a level less than %'', p_level;
end if;
if substring(p_tree_key, v_parent_pos, 1) = ''1'' then
return bittoint4(substring(p_tree_key, v_parent_pos + 1, 31));
return bittoint4(substring(p_tree_key, v_parent_pos, 8));
end if;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' with (iscachable, isstrict)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tree_ancestor_key ( bit varying, integer )
RETURNS varbit
AS '
-- Returns a key for the ancestor at the given level. The root is level
-- one.
p_tree_key alias for ;
p_level alias for ;
v_level integer default 0;
v_pos integer default 1;
if tree_level(p_tree_key) < p_level then
raise exception ''tree_ancestor_key: key is at a level less than %'', p_level;
end if;
while v_level < p_level loop
v_level := v_level + 1;
if substring(p_tree_key, v_pos, 1) = ''1'' then
v_pos := v_pos + 32;
v_pos := v_pos + 8;
end if;
end loop;
return substring(p_tree_key, 1, v_pos - 1);
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' with (iscachable, isstrict)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tree_root_key ( bit varying )
RETURNS varbit
AS '
-- Return the tree_sortkey for the root node of the node with the
-- given tree_sortkey.
p_tree_key alias for ;
if substring(p_tree_key, 1, 1) = ''1'' then
return substring(p_tree_key, 1, 32);
return substring(p_tree_key, 1, 8);
end if;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' with (iscachable, isstrict)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tree_leaf_key_to_int ( bit varying )
AS '
-- Convert the bitstring for the last, or leaf, node represented by this key
-- to an integer.
p_tree_key alias for ;
v_leaf_pos integer default 1;
v_pos integer default 1;
-- Find the leaf key first
while v_pos < length(p_tree_key) loop
v_leaf_pos := v_pos;
if substring(p_tree_key, v_pos, 1) = ''1'' then
v_pos := v_pos + 32;
v_pos := v_pos + 8;
end if;
end loop;
if substring(p_tree_key, v_leaf_pos, 1) = ''1'' then
return bittoint4(substring(p_tree_key, v_leaf_pos + 1, 31));
return bittoint4(substring(p_tree_key, v_leaf_pos, 8));
end if;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' with (iscachable, isstrict)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tree_next_key ( bit varying, integer )
RETURNS varbit
AS '
-- Create a new child of the given key with a leaf key number one greater than
-- the child value parameter. If the child value parameter is null, make the
-- child the first child of the parent.
p_parent_key alias for ;
p_child_value alias for ;
v_child_value integer;
if p_child_value is null then
v_child_value := 0;
v_child_value := p_child_value + 1;
end if;
if p_parent_key is null then
return int_to_tree_key(v_child_value);
return p_parent_key || int_to_tree_key(v_child_value);
end if;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' with (iscachable)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tree_left ( bit varying )
RETURNS varbit
AS '
-- Create a key less than or equal to that of any child of the
-- current key.
key alias for ;
if key is null then
return ''X00'';
return key || ''X00'';
end if;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' with (iscachable)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tree_right ( bit varying )
RETURNS varbit
AS '
-- Create a key greater or equal to that of any child of the current key.
-- Used in BETWEEN expressions to select the subtree rooted at the given
-- key.
key alias for ;
if key is null then
return ''XFFFFFFFF'';
return key || ''XFFFFFFFF'';
end if;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' with (iscachable)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tree_level ( bit varying )
AS '
-- Return the tree level of the given key. The root level is defined
-- to be at level one.
p_tree_key alias for ;
v_pos integer;
v_level integer;
if p_tree_key is null then
return 0;
end if;
v_pos := 1;
v_level := 0;
while v_pos <= length(p_tree_key) loop
v_level := v_level + 1;
if substring(p_tree_key, v_pos, 1) = ''1'' then
v_pos := v_pos + 32;
v_pos := v_pos + 8;
end if;
end loop;
return v_level;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' with (iscachable)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tree_ancestor_p ( bit varying, bit varying )
AS '
p_potential_ancestor alias for ;
p_potential_child alias for ;
return position(p_potential_ancestor in p_potential_child) = 1;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' with (iscachable)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION create_tree_ancestor_keys() returns boolean as '
-- PG 7.1 does not allow recursive SQL functions, but David Walker figured out how to
-- get around this with a truly inspired hack he posted to the OpenACS 4 Design Forum.
-- His solution involves a general "create and replace function" function written in
-- Tcl.
-- Rather than use the general solution I have just hacked up a PL/pgSQL function to
-- create the one recursive function we need: tree_ancestor_keys(varbit, integer).
-- PG 7.2 still does not allow recursive SQL functions during CREATE, but you can
-- fool it easily with CREATE OR REPLACE, a new feature in this version. Perhaps
-- someday the PG development group will see the light and just let us CREATE such
-- functions.
-- tree_ancestor_keys(varbit, integer) returns the set of ancestor keys starting at
-- the level passed in as the second parameter down to the key passed in as the first
-- This function should probably only be called from its overloaded cousin
-- tree_ancestor_keys(varbit), which returns the set of tree_sortkeys for all of the
-- ancestors of the given tree_sortkey...
-- create tree_ancestor_keys with a dummy body
execute ''create function tree_ancestor_keys(varbit, integer) returns setof varbit as ''''
'''' language ''''sql'''' '';
if version() like ''%7.1%'' then
-- create another function with the body we want
execute ''create function __tree_ancestor_keys(varbit, integer) returns setof varbit as ''''
select tree_ancestor_key(, )
select tree_ancestor_keys(, + 1)
where < tree_level()
'''' language ''''sql'''' with (isstrict) '';
-- replace the body for tree_ancestor_keys with the body we want. Slick, eh?
update pg_proc
set prosrc = hack.prosrc, probin = hack.probin
from (select prosrc, probin
from pg_proc
where proname = ''__tree_ancestor_keys'') hack
where proname = ''tree_ancestor_keys'';
execute ''drop function __tree_ancestor_keys(varbit, integer)'';
-- The bootstrap installer has made certain that we are running a version >= 7.1 so it is safe
-- at this point to assume create or replace is supported.
execute ''create or replace function tree_ancestor_keys(varbit, integer) returns setof varbit as ''''
select tree_ancestor_key(, )
select tree_ancestor_keys(, + 1)
where < tree_level()
'''' language ''''sql'''' with (isstrict) '';
end if;
return true;
end;' language 'plpgsql';
select create_tree_ancestor_keys();
drop function create_tree_ancestor_keys();
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tree_ancestor_keys ( bit varying )
RETURNS varbit
AS '
-- Return the set of tree_sortkeys for all of the ancestors of the given
-- tree_sortkey ancestors.
-- Here is an example on acs_objects:
-- select o.*
-- from acs_objects o,
-- (select tree_ancestor_keys(acs_objects_get_tree_sortkey(:object_id)) as tree_sortkey) parents
-- where o.tree_sortkey = parents.tree_sortkey;
-- This query will use the index on tree_sortkey to scan acs_objects. The function to grab
-- the tree_sortkey for the node is necessary (and must be defined for each table that uses
-- our hierarchical query scheme) to avoid restrictions on the use of SQL functions that
-- return sets.
-- if you only want the ancestors for a node within a given subtree, do something like this and
-- cross your fingers that Postgres will figure out whether the join on parent or the root is
-- more restrictive and do the right one first:
-- select o.*
-- from acs_objects o,
-- (select tree_sortkey from acs_objects where object_id = :root_id) as root
-- (select tree_ancestor_keys(acs_objects_get_tree_sortkey(:object_id)) as tree_sortkey) parents
-- where o.tree_sortkey = parents.tree_sortkey
-- and o.tree_sortkey >= root.tree_sortkey;
-- select *
-- from acs_objects
-- where object_id in (select tree_ancestor_keys(object_id)
-- from acs_objects
-- where object_id = :object_id);
-- This is more readable and is certainly cleaner BUT WILL NOT USE THE INDEX ON TREE_SORTKEY
-- when scanning the acs_objects instance referred to by the left operand of the "in" operator. Given
-- that acs_objects will become HUGE on real systems the resulting sequential scan would cripple
-- performance.
-- WARNING: subselects in where clauses that call this function and join on an outer table appear
-- to reliably kill PG 7.1.2, at least if "exists" is involved. PG 7.2 doesn''t die on my test
-- case, so it appears to have been fixed.
select tree_ancestor_keys(, 1)
LANGUAGE 'sql' with (isstrict)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION category_insert_tr ( )
AS '
v_parent_sk varbit default null;
v_max_value integer;
select max(tree_leaf_key_to_int(sortkey)) into v_max_value
from category
where parent_id = new.parent_id;
select sortkey into v_parent_sk
from category
where category_id = new.parent_id;
new.sortkey := tree_next_key(v_parent_sk ,v_max_value);
return new;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION category_update_tr ( )
AS '
v_parent_sk varbit default null;
v_max_value integer;
v_rec record;
clr_keys_p boolean default ''t'';
if new.category_id = old.category_id and
((new.parent_id = old.parent_id) or
(new.parent_id is null and old.parent_id is null)) then
return new;
end if;
for v_rec in select category_id, parent_id
from category
where sortkey between new.sortkey and tree_right(new.sortkey)
order by sortkey
if clr_keys_p then
update category set sortkey = null
where sortkey between new.sortkey and tree_right(new.sortkey);
clr_keys_p := ''f'';
end if;
select max(tree_leaf_key_to_int(sortkey)) into v_max_value
from category
where parent_id = v_rec.parent_id;
select sortkey into v_parent_sk
from category
where category_id = v_rec.parent_id;
update category
set sortkey = tree_next_key(v_parent_sk, v_max_value)
where category_id = v_rec.category_id;
end LOOP;
return new;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
create trigger category_update_tr after update on category
for each row execute procedure category_update_tr ( );
create trigger category_insert_tr before insert on category
for each row execute procedure category_insert_tr ( );
===================SQL 끝 =================
select version();
PostgreSQL 7.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('대한민국',NULL);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('서울',1);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('부산',1);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('대전',1);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('대구',1);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('광주',1);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('인천',1);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('울산',1);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('중구',8);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('남구',8);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('동구',8);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('북구',8);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('종로구',2);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('강남구',2);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('강서구',2);
INSERT INTO category (category_name,parent_id) VALUES ('강북구',2);
select * from category;
category_id | category_name | parent_id | sortkey
1 | 대한민국 | | 00000000
2 | 서울 | 1 | 0000000000000000
3 | 부산 | 1 | 0000000000000001
4 | 대전 | 1 | 0000000000000010
5 | 대구 | 1 | 0000000000000011
6 | 광주 | 1 | 0000000000000100
7 | 인천 | 1 | 0000000000000101
8 | 울산 | 1 | 0000000000000110
9 | 중구 | 8 | 000000000000011000000000
10 | 남구 | 8 | 000000000000011000000001
11 | 동구 | 8 | 000000000000011000000010
12 | 북구 | 8 | 000000000000011000000011
13 | 종로구 | 2 | 000000000000000000000000
14 | 강남구 | 2 | 000000000000000000000001
15 | 강서구 | 2 | 000000000000000000000010
16 | 강북구 | 2 | 000000000000000000000011
select * from category order by sortkey;
category_id | category_name | parent_id | sortkey
1 | 대한민국 | | 00000000
2 | 서울 | 1 | 0000000000000000
13 | 종로구 | 2 | 000000000000000000000000
14 | 강남구 | 2 | 000000000000000000000001
15 | 강서구 | 2 | 000000000000000000000010
16 | 강북구 | 2 | 000000000000000000000011
3 | 부산 | 1 | 0000000000000001
4 | 대전 | 1 | 0000000000000010
5 | 대구 | 1 | 0000000000000011
6 | 광주 | 1 | 0000000000000100
7 | 인천 | 1 | 0000000000000101
8 | 울산 | 1 | 0000000000000110
9 | 중구 | 8 | 000000000000011000000000
10 | 남구 | 8 | 000000000000011000000001
11 | 동구 | 8 | 000000000000011000000010
12 | 북구 | 8 | 000000000000011000000011