DB2 Limits (Version 5기준)
Item Limit
Columns in table or view 750 or fewer
(depends on complexity of CREATE VIEW stmt)
Columns in a dependent table 749
Table names in a view 15
Row length (including overhead)
4K pages: 4056 bytes
4K pages with EDITPROC: 4046 bytes
32K pages: 32714 bytes
32K pages with EDITPROC: 32704 bytes
Volume IDs in a storage group 133
Partitions in a partitioned table space 64
Partitions in a large partitioned table space 254
Size of partitions (not large)
1 - 16 partitions 4 gigabytes
17 - 32 partitions 2 gigabytes
33 - 64 partitions 1 gigabytes
Size of partitions (large)
1 - 254 partitions 4 gigabytes
Table or table space size 64 gigabytes
or 1016 gigabytes (~1 terabyte)
if large
Size of a DBRM 131072 bytes
Index key length for non-partitioned 254 minus the #
table space of key columns
that allow nulls
Maximum number of bytes used in the 40 minus the # of
partitioning of a partitioned index key columns
that allow nulls
Columns in an index key 64
Tables and views in a subselect 15 or less depends on
complexity of subselect
Host and indicator variable length 32767 bytes
pointed to in a SQLDA
Host variable length used for INSERT or UPDATE 32704 bytes
SQL statement length 32765 bytes
Elements in a SELECT list 750
Predicates in a WHERE or 750
HAVING clause
Total columns in a GROUP BY or 750
ORDER BY clause
Item Limit
Total column length in a GROUP BY or ORDER BY clause 4000 bytes
Maximum length of a table check constraint 3800 bytes
Maximum number of parameters of a As many as can be
stored procedure and any CALL defined by the
statement referencing the procedure. parameter list
The maximum length of the column. stored in SYS-PROCEDURES
3000 bytes
Concurrent DB2 or application agents Limited by EDM and buffer pool
size, and amount of storage used by
each DB2 or applic. agent
Largest table or table space 1016 gigabytes
Active log space size 248 bytes
Archive log space size 248 bytes
Active log copies 2
Archive log copies 2
Active log data sets (each copy) 31
Archive log volumes (each copy) 1000
Databases accessible to an application System storage/EDM pool size
or end user
EDM pool size Install parameter dependent The
installation parameter maximum
depends on avaiable space
Total databases 65279
Number of rows per page:
All tablespaces 255
DSNDB01 and DSNDB06 127
Maximum simple or segmented 2 gigabytes
data set size