회사에서 sybase 디비를 사용하는데
구동시 아래와 같이 에러가 나면서 구동이 되지 안습니다..
무엇이 원인이고 해결은 어떻게 해야할지 알려주시면
감사하겠습니다.. 부탁드립니다.ㅠ.ㅠ
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.47 server Opening Master Database ...
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.48 server Loading SQL Server's default sort
order and character set
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.48 server Loaded default Unilib conversion h
00:00000:00002:2014/09/11 19:42:35.48 kernel network name tm01, type ether, por
t 6100
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.48 server Timestamp in page 620 of text obje
ct 45 is out of sync. Please run DBCC REBUILD_TEXT(45) to fix this.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.48 server Timestamp in page 618 of text obje
ct 45 is out of sync. Please run DBCC REBUILD_TEXT(45) to fix this.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.49 server Recovering database 'master'
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.73 server Checking external objects.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.74 server Database 'master' is now online.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.74 server The transaction log in the databas
e 'master' will use I/O size of 2 Kb.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 server This installation was created usin
g a 12.0 or later version of buildmaster.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 server 0 dump conditions detected at boot
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 server server name is 'SYBASE'
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 server Activating disk 'elog'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 kernel Initializing virtual device 9, '/b
ackup/tmlog_back.log' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 kernel Virtual device 9 started using asy
nchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 server Activating disk 'sysprocsdev'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 kernel Initializing virtual device 1, '/s
ybase/dev/sybprocs.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 kernel Virtual device 1 started using asy
nchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 server Activating disk 'temp_dev'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 kernel Initializing virtual device 5, '/D
B/db_dev1/tempdev1.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 kernel Virtual device 5 started using asy
nchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 server Activating disk 'tmcenter_dev01'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 kernel Initializing virtual device 3, '/D
B/db_dev1/tmcenter_dev01.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 kernel Virtual device 3 started using asy
nchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 server Activating disk 'tmcenter_dev02'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 kernel Initializing virtual device 6, '/D
B/db_dev1/tmcenter_dev02.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.93 kernel Virtual device 6 started using asy
nchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.94 server Activating disk 'tmcenter_log01'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.94 kernel Initializing virtual device 4, '/D
B/log_dev1/tmcenter_log01.dat' with dsync 'on'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.94 kernel Virtual device 4 started using asy
nchronous i/o.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.94 server Activating disk 'tmp_01'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.94 kernel Initializing virtual device 10, '/
DB/db_dev2/tmp_01.dat' with dsync 'on'.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.94 kernel Virtual device 10 started using as
nchronous i/o.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.94 server Activating disk 'tmp_02'.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.94 kernel Initializing virtual device 11, '/
B/db_dev2/tmp_02.dat' with dsync 'on'.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.94 kernel Virtual device 11 started using as
nchronous i/o.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.94 server Activating disk 'tmp_log'.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.94 kernel Initializing virtual device 12, '/
B/db_dev2/tmp_log.dat' with dsync 'on'.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.94 kernel Virtual device 12 started using as
nchronous i/o.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:35.97 server Recovering database 'sybsystemdb'.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:36.20 server Boot Count: 158
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:36.21 server Checking external objects.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:36.21 server The transaction log in the databas
'sybsystemdb' will use I/O size of 2 Kb.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:36.42 server Recovering database 'model'.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:36.64 server Checking external objects.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:36.64 server The transaction log in the databas
'model' will use I/O size of 2 Kb.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:36.85 server Database 'model' is now online.
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:36.85 server Resident Node id: fca2cb834a4f
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:36.85 server Transaction coordinator initialize
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:36.85 server Clearing temp db
0:00000:00000:2014/09/11 19:42:41.15 kernel sddone: write error on virtual dis
5 block 46594:
0:00000:00000:2014/09/11 19:42:41.15 kernel sddone: I/O error
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:41.15 server Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 2
0:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:41.15 server I/O error detected during wait for
BUF pointer = '0x19d0110e0', MASS pointer = '0x19d0110e0', (Buf#: '0'), page pt
= '0x19a985000', dbid = '2', Mass virtpage = '83932674', Buffer page = '0', Ma
s status = '0x80908', Buffer status = '0x1', size = '2048', cache (id: 0) = 'de
ault data cache', Pinning Xdes = '0x0', spid = '0'.
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:41.15 server SQL Server's default sort order is
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:41.15 server 'bin_iso_1' (ID = 50)
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:41.15 server on top of default character set:
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:41.15 server 'iso_1' (ID = 1).
01:00000:00000:2014/09/11 19:42:41.28 kernel engine 1, os pid 30332 online
01:00000:00000:2014/09/11 19:42:41.28 server HA Config: High Availability Basis
Services loaded: version 'Adaptive Server Enterprise/ 11094 ESD 1
/RS6000/AIX 4.3.2/2008/64bit/FBO/Wed May 7 06:33:51 2003'.
02:00000:00000:2014/09/11 19:42:41.42 kernel engine 2, os pid 32914 online
02:00000:00000:2014/09/11 19:42:41.42 server HA Config: High Availability Basis
Services loaded: version 'Adaptive Server Enterprise/ 11094 ESD 1
/RS6000/AIX 4.3.2/2008/64bit/FBO/Wed May 7 06:33:51 2003'.
00:00000:00000:2014/09/11 19:42:41.43 kernel ncheck: Network 60032f80 online
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:41.46 kernel nconnect: connect, Connection refu
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:41.46 server WARNING: Pss found with open sdes.
pspid 1, psuid 0, pcurdb 1, system table entry 0, sdesp 0x00000001764e3a68, obj
id 1
02:00000:00000:2014/09/11 19:42:41.42 kernel engine 2, os pid 32914 online
02:00000:00000:2014/09/11 19:42:41.42 server HA Config: High Availability Basis
Services loaded: version 'Adaptive Server Enterprise/ 11094 ESD 1
/RS6000/AIX 4.3.2/2008/64bit/FBO/Wed May 7 06:33:51 2003'.
00:00000:00000:2014/09/11 19:42:41.43 kernel ncheck: Network 60032f80 online
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:41.46 kernel nconnect: connect, Connection refu
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:41.46 server WARNING: Pss found with open sdes.
pspid 1, psuid 0, pcurdb 1, system table entry 0, sdesp 0x00000001764e3a68, obj
id 1
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:41.46 server Error: 6103, Severity: 17, State:
00:00000:00001:2014/09/11 19:42:41.46 server Unable to do cleanup for the kille
d process; received Msg 823. |