Posted on 2005-12-02
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This new product is MicroOLAP Database Designer for PostgreSQL.
It's a development system for PostgreSQL databases visual
modeling, maintenance and reverse engineering.
Key features are:
- new database creation;
- generation of database structure;
- automatic structure modification of existing databases;
- reverse engineering from PostgreSQL database and other
- exporting visual representation of model to several graphic
- database structure report generation;
- database structure verification;
The product is specially developed for PostgreSQL database and
takes into account its features, incorporates the key and handy
features that already has the MySQL version
( of the
We'd be glad to offer a free license Database Designer for
PostgreSQL to those who will help us in developing the product
by sending their useful and detailed bug-reports.
To participate in beta-testing program:
1. Visit the beta section of our site:
2. Enter your login and password you have on our site. If you
aren't registered yet, please register here:
3. Click the appropriate button to approve your participation
in beta testing program.
4. Download the latest build of the product.
5. You are welcome to our support system with your bugs reports
and suggestions: