정말 오랜만에 글올리네요.
2.5 Rc1 이후로도 3번의 업데이트가 있었는데 다 건너띄고, 2.5 릴리즈 소식 알려드립니다.
The Firebird team is pleased to announce the release of Firebird 2.5.
Release kits for Firebird 2.5 are now making their way to the Sourceforge mirror servers. The 32-bit and 64-bit kits are available for Linux and Windows.
Update 06-Oct :: The MacOSX/Darwin 32-bit and 64-bit Intel packages are on their way to the mirror servers.
A Microsoft Live recording of the Firebird Launch webinar is available (10.8 MB zip file). Feel free to copy the link anywhere, share it, etc.
참고로 각 최신버전은 다음과 같습니다. (다 별개인것 아시죠^^)
FB 2.5
FB 2.1.3
FB 2.0.6
FB 1.5.6 (Last)
FB 1.0.3 (Last)