9i spfile 생성 및 수정 예제
This document explains how to modify the content of a new SPFILE parameter file, since it cannot be manually modified.
For all DBAs that need to modify the content of the SPFILE parameter file.
How to Modify the Content of an SPFILE Parameter File:
Do one of the following:
A. Use the ALTER SYSTEM command, provided that the instance, at startup,
used either
=> the SPFILE directly
=> or an init.ora including the SPFILE=spfileSID.ora parameter
SQL> alter system set undo_management=auto scope=spfile;
System altered.
-- OR --
B. Use the export method.
1. Therefore you need to first export the SPFILE content to a PFILE which
will necessarily be an ASCII text file:
SQL> create pfile='initDB1test.ora' from spfile;
File created.
Name the SPFILE used:
* If the instance directly used an spfile, the spfile is named
* If the instance used an spfile through an init.ora, its name is
defined in the init.ora in SPFILE=spfileSID.ora.
In this case, you would use the following SQL command:
SQL> create pfile='initDB1test.ora' from spfile='spfileDB1.ora';
File created.
2. You modify the PFILE 'initDB1test.ora' parameter values:
You want to change the UNDO_MANAGEMENT value from AUTO to MANUAL:
change the value in the PFILE 'initDB1test.ora'.
3. Recreate the SPFILE from the modified PFILE 'initDB1test.ora':
If the spfile to be recreated is named spfileDB1.ora, then use:
SQL> create spfile='spfileDB1.ora' from pfile='initDB1test.ora';
File created.
If the spfile to be recreated is named spfileDB1NEW.ora, use:
SQL> create spfile='spfileDB1NEW.ora' from pfile='initDB1test.ora';
File created.
from oracle